Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Christmas Quacker!

We had a surprise, if somewhat a late arrival last week. A small duckling! 

During the spring/summer period, we are usually inundated with hundreds of ducklings, so to get one so near to Christmas is quite uncommon!  This particular duckling, was the remaining survivor from a brood that was laid and hatched on Chimp Island, at Chester zoo.  The mother had flown off, and her inexperienced young, who are unable to fly yet, were left stranded with no clear or safe exit off the Island.   Cold and weak, they were eventually removed from the island, but it was too late for all bar one.

However, the remaining duckling is currently warm and safe here at Stapeley, where he can spend his Christmas and New Year!  Housed in a box, toasty on a heat pad with a soft toy for companionship along with food and water mean this is one lucky ducky!
Happy Christmas everyone

Written by: 
Lynsey Cale

Photos by:
Michelle Bite

Sponsors of Stapeley Grange Wildlife Centre and Cattery

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Mucky Ducks

Over the last few days RSPCA Collection Officer Derek Hampson has brought in nearly 30 ducks to us (male and female Mallards), from Makerfield in Lancashire.

Sadly, the pond which these ducks have been calling home, is now polluted with an unpleasant oily substance.
This oil has contaminated the ducks feathers, thus destroying their natural waterproofing-essential for maintaining warmth.

So it is our job to restore this waterproofing with a vigorous soapy wash,a thorough power-shower rinse and a warm environment to dry off and preen in!

In teams of two; one washing and one holding, the ducks have been receiving a much needed clean in our specialised wash room. The washing procedure for any wildlife can be a stressful experience, but as soon as it is over, the ducks quickly get busy preening their feathers and hopefully feeling much better for it!

Seeing them dried off with a clean, fluffed up waterproofed plumage means our job is done!

They will be released again shortly, into an unpolluted, duck friendly pond :-) yay!

Lynsey Cale

Sponsors of Stapeley Grange Wildlife Centre and Cattery