Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Woodmouse with babies - 3, 4 and then 5!!

Whilst most people are celebrating the birth of our Royal baby, here at Stapeley, we are rejoicing in the surprise arrival of four baby wood mice!!  

The mum-mouse arrived at Stapeley after an encounter with a cat, fortunately escaping relatively unscathed. After cleaning out her temporary home I mentioned to a colleague that this mouse was quite large...hmm, pregnant maybe, or just well fed!?!

The following day as I lifted her bedding, I was greeted with the sight of 3 squirming pink, naked babies!
Turns out she had actually had 4, but the 4th was well covered. A sign was immediately attached to her container reading ‘DO NOT DISTURB’.

Two hours later, another tiny pink mouse was admitted into the hospital and we put this alongside the new arrivals to see if mum would adopt it. There was a chance she would expel it from the nest, but we thought it was worth a try...

Yesterday we took a sneaky peek to see how the family were getting on and as the picture below shows all appear to be doing well :)  Will keep you posted on their progress. Would be fantastic if they all survive and get to be released in the near future....

By Lynsey Cale

Sponsors of Stapeley Grange Wildlife Centre and Cattery
 To donate to Stapeley text and our orphans: STAP70 £2 or £5 to 70070

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Haven't you grown!

It never ceases to amaze me how fast wildlife develops, they do this to have the best chance of survival.  I was reminded of this when during the routine cleaning out of hedgehogs in the orphan room I saw how much our first orphan hoglet had grown. You can read the previous blog about the hoglet that was left behind.
When the orphaned hoglet first arrived.
It has now been six weeks and it has grown from a small sausage with spikes into a very active juvenile hedgehog.  During the six weeks it has gone through various stages of feeding; stomach tubing, lapping milk formula, having it's first taste of meat to becoming fully weaned. Now weighing in at 400g more than when it was admitted it will not be long before this juvenile hedgehog will be transferred to an outside pen and eventually back to the wild.   

What a difference in only 6 weeks!
With one well on the way to release there are still plenty more hoglets going through the stages of weaning which i keeping us all very busy!  The wild hedgehog population is in decline so their rehabilitation and release is really important from a conservation perspective, so that we can all continue to see them in gardens around Britain.

                                                   Lapping at milk formula.
Enjoying some mushed up kitten food.

See the footage below of one of Stapeleys juvenile hedgehogs enjoying a meal.

By Michelle Bite

Sponsors of Stapeley Grange Wildlife Centre and Cattery
 To donate to Stapeley text and our orphans: STAP70 £2 or £5 to 70070

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Summer is am I !!

Hello once again wild lifers!  Its Lynsey again, I am back for another summer spell at Stapeley! I cannot believe it is already over a year since I was last here, and once again our busiest time of year is in full swing!

Having arrived in May, things were off to a slower start than usual, with seemingly fewer admissions and quieter rooms. We put this down to the practically non-existent spring having impacted the arrival of many newborns.  However, now into July, the pace has really quickened and we are as busy as previous years.


Yesterday our new vet Bev had her work cut out for her, with the task of attempting to remove a fishing float from a cygnet’s oesophagus. It was well and truly stuck with decaying food lodged all around it, a pitiful and frustrating sight indeed. One can only imagine how miserable the signet had been since swallowing the float, made worse by the parents having been observed attacking the poor thing.


Having four other cygnets to care for, in nature it isn't uncommon for a weaker sick individual to be rejected by the parents. Rearing young is costly energy wise, so the input of caring for ones offspring should be of benefit to the parents e.g. healthy individuals have a greater chance of survival and ultimately, of passing on their genes in the future. A sick or injured animal may be weeded out, thus emphasising the Darwinian phrase of ‘Survival of the Fittest’.

Sponsors of Stapeley Grange Wildlife Centre and Cattery
 To donate to Stapeley text and our orphans: STAP70 £2 or £5 to 70070

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Successful Open Day at Stapeley Grange

The date of the Open Day finally arrived, the marquees and stalls were all setup then the rain came down!

However this did not deter the large number of visitors to come despite the weather. As a result of the fantastic turnout we were able to raise approximately £3800 which will be an enormous help to the Centre.  The raffle raised £918 with many thanks to staff from Barclays on the day and all the donations of prizes. The name of the spectacular dog was Heidi and she raised £80.
Visitors had a great time browsing the stalls, seeing the education department, playing games, watching the dog shows and choosing from the great selection of cakes.

The finale was the staff Archery competition which enabled us all to have a go with a photo of the Manager on the targets (it is not every day that you get to fire arrows at your boss!).
Huge thank you to everyone involved to make it all come together to be a success and to all who came along. The day raised much needed funds and awareness and we will look forward to next year!

Sponsors of Stapeley Grange Wildlife Centre and Cattery
To donate to Stapeley text and our orphans: STAP70 £2 or £5 to 70070